Last Chance to Give in 2021!
Last chance to give in 2021!
As we close out the year 2021 and look forward with hope to 2022, will you consider partnering with us as we help kids everywhere live God’s Word?
We will reach and teach at least 1.3 million kids with the Word of God in this coming year. Kids in Honduras and Ukraine, the Philippines and Nigeria, the U.S. and the UK, and more, will hear and experience God’s Word with our otLIVE and ntLIVE kids events!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, … for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Yet many kids around the world have never heard the Word of God; they don’t know God’s Story; they don’t know Jesus. The need for children to hear, know, and experience the Word of God is great. Studies show that a majority of believers come to faith in Christ between the ages of 4 and 14 (known as the 4/14 window).
At Walk Thru the Bible, we are helping kids everywhere live God’s Word. As part of a God-given vision, Walk Thru the Bible has launched a global kids’ ministry to teach children the big picture of God’s Word and how they can find their true story in God’s grand story, the Bible. Last year, we launched the global kids’ ministry in West Africa, South Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia Pacific. This year, we’re expanding into 3 additional regions—Central America, Northern Eurasia, and East Africa. We will reach at least 1.3 million kids around the world in the next year with the hope and truth of God’s Word.

We are working in Kenya, Togo, Nigeria, Ukraine, Honduras, the Philippines, the UK and the U.S., and countries in South Asia to teach the big picture storyline of Scripture to children in various settings—public schools, Sunday schools, private schools, community outreach programs, urban feeding centers, orphanages, Bible clubs, dusty playgrounds, and more. We have huge opportunities and open doors to teach God’s Word in public schools!
It takes just 50 cents to reach and teach one child with the big picture story of God’s Word. On this Giving Tuesday, will you consider a gift of $50 to reach 100 kids, $100 to reach 200 kids, or an amount of your choosing to bring the hope and truth of God’s Word to children around the world? Many of the children in these regions live in areas of intense persecution or extreme poverty. Their parents may be of different faiths or no faith. They may have never heard the Word of God.
The need for children around the world to hear, know, and experience God’s Word is great.
God has opened many doors of opportunity for us to reach children in many nations—the opportunities and open doors we’ve seen to teach God’s Word in public schools alone will have a huge impact on the now generation. The children are taught by trained Walk Thru the Bible kids’ instructors, and in their own culture, context, and language.

We want to give this generation of children the hope of the Word of God and a purpose for the future He has for them. Will you partner with Walk Thru the Bible to help us give the gift of God’s Word to children around the world?
Walk Thru the Bible’s live events and biblical resources are tools that work well with children. We have a proven, effective model of our biblical live-event teaching to kids in UK—our office there ministers almost exclusively to children in public schools. Our Walk Thru the Bible UK instructors teach the big picture story of Scripture to 45,000 public school children each year.
“The Walk Thru the Bible live event helped the children open their eyes, to reflect on their own lives,” says Pastor Sammy in Huruma, Kenya. “I have a number of them here who have given their lives to Christ. Walk Thru the Bible has helped them to embrace the love of God,” he said.

With the global launch of our Walk Thru the Bible kids’ ministry, we can reach 1.3 million children this year alone. It takes just 50 cents to reach one child with the big picture story of God’s Word. On this Giving Tuesday, will you consider a gift of $50 (reaches 100 kids), $100 (reaches 200 kids), or an amount of your choosing to bring the hope, the truth, the gift of God’s Word to children in places like Ukraine, Togo, Honduras, Nigeria, Manila, Malawi, Davao, the UK and U.S., and more, this year?
Together, we can plant seeds in the lives of children around the world who have never heard the Word of God. Together, we can reach this generation with the hope of Scripture. Together, we can impact God’s Kingdom for eternity.
Will you partner with us today as we help kids everywhere live God’s Word?