Daily Walk , Special Features

Where Is Your Heart?

Where is your heart?


Here is one of the most mind-boggling truths of the universe: God—the God of everything—wants a relationship with you.

That’s an amazing truth—and a hard one to wrap our minds around.

We know what relationships are like. A relationship is about spending time together. It’s about conversations and experiences, sharing hearts and opinions, messing up and apologizing, loving and extending grace, and finding love and acceptance. It’s messy and organic, emotional and beautiful. It takes time, and it deepens over time.

The God of the universe—who knows everything, created everything, and is in charge of absolutely everything—wants that with you.


The God of everything wants a relationship with you. That's an amazing truth, and a hard one to wrap our minds around.

But there’s a subtle shift in thinking where the focus of our relationship with God goes from heart-connecting with Him to just “being good” for Him. That shift is easy to make because it just feels right. Surely God must want something from us. Plus, following rules is easier than having a relationship with God. We’ve been following rules since we were toddlers, but there’s a lot of effort involved in a time-together, talking-over-stuff-together, walking-through-life-together relationship.

This very subtle shift in thinking—between “being good” for God and having a heart connection with Him—is a crucial one. “Being good” for God is actually a deadly lie, because we can start acting as if God is a standard to maintain, not a Person to relate to. And even if we still think of Him as a Person, we may start interacting with Him as our strict Parent instead of our loving Father. We might call Him “Father,” but we’d never call Him “Abba.” While we may obey Him, our hearts are far from Him.

But God isn’t after your obedience. He’s after your heart.

God isn't after your obedience. He's after your heart.

King Solomon chose to put other loves before his love for God. King Saul seem to have never loved God at all. But King David got it. He was God’s friend. He talked with God, spent time with Him, shared his heart with Him—because he loved Him. He followed God’s instructions, not to earn God’s love, but because he loved who God is. David knew that God was guiding him to the best way to live. David didn’t follow God perfectly. But when he sinned, he came back to God—the Friend he had hurt, not the rule he had broken—and he confessed his sins to Him. God forgave him, and they walked on together. Even in his imperfect life, David sought God with all of his heart.

What about you? Where is your heart? It will only be fulfilled if it loves God first. As you walk through life with Him as your closest Friend, you’ll find your life is richer than you ever imagined. He will become your greatest Treasure, what you’ve been looking for all along. And you’ll have the kind of relationship He wanted all along too.

Where is your heart? It will only be fulfilled if it loves God first. As you walk through life with Him as your closest Friend, you'll find your life is richer than you ever imagined. He will become your greatest Treasure, what you've been looking for all along.

© 2024 Walk Thru the Bible 

In case you missed it: Read Kingdom Truth #1 and Kingdom Truth #2 today!

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